The Dream

My dream job is an astrophysicist! Astrophysicist investigate the stars, galaxies, and planets using physics, mathematics, and computing knowledge. The first reason I would like to an astrophysicist is because I’ve loved astronomy for a long time! Another reason is astrophysics requires you to get a degree in physics or astronomy or both. My last reason would be that astrophysics get a good salary.

Rad Reading- March

To kill a Mockingbird is a 323 page thriller written by Harper Lee which takes place in Maycomb, Alabama. In the beginning, Scout Finch a 6 year girl who is meeting a potential future love interest (Dill). As the conflict develops, Scout faces the challenge of her first year of school school. In the rising action of the story, Dill becomes intrigued by a mysterious house on Scout and Jem’s street, called the Radley place. The following summer Dill returns to Maycomb and the trio(Dill, Scout, and Jem) begin to act out the story of Boo Radley. On Dill’s last night he, scout, and Jem sneak onto the property of the Radley place. Nathan Radley heard them and shoots at them. Later Boo Radley leaves gifts in a tree for Jem and Scout. In a pivotal moment Scout and Jem are attacked by Bob Ewell on their way home from a Halloween pageant. The falling action is when Boo Radley comes out of his house to save Scout and Jem. Bob dies while trying to fight off Boo Radley. In the resolution. Scout’s fate in humanity is restored by Boo Radley’s kindness.

To Kill a Mockingbird has plot twist and is keeping you on your feet the entirety of the novel. This book also has a good plot on who the protagonist is. Overall this novel is a thrilling book that has a great message.

My favorite character in this novel is Dill because of his confidence. This quote shows Dill’s confidence ” he ran back out and kissed me in front of Jem.” This shows Dill’s Confidence because not only did he kiss her in front of her brother, but that was their first kissed ever.

My favorite quote in the book is ” Slowly, painfully, the ten dollars was collected.” I love this quote because people were collecting money for a family while the husband was in jail for something he didn’t do.

Spring Break Renewals

This spring break I went to my great grandma and grandpa’s wedding renewals. At eleven in the morning on a Saturday my nana and I went to help set up all the tables, chair, and balloons for the renewal at one in the afternoon. Thirty minutes before we start the caterers show up and my aunt whips out liters of fruit punch and sprite. I was absolutely flabbergasted when they grabbed at bucket and started pouring them together. Around 12:50 everybody started showing up. My uncle brought in this cake with three red roses on top of beautiful white frosting. At 1:00 the renewals started, everyone took there seats. My uncle was doing the renewals and had an amazingly funny speech. When my great grandparents were about to say I do my cousins came down the walk way with the rings in there hands. After the ceremony everybody went to get food from the caterers. There were meatballs, hams, crackers, this other food that I don’t know the name, and fruits/vegetables. When everyone was done eating, we moved on to cake. When I got my piece there was a beautiful red frosted rose on top of my slice. The party came to and with everybody going to my nana’s house for dinner.

February Rad Reading

There Will Come A Time is a 315, young adult fiction written by Carrie Arcos which takes place in LA California. In the beginning Mark Santos a seventeen year old boy who is trying to overcome the recent death of his twin sister Grace. She died in a car accident. As the conflict develops, Mark faces the challenge of his twins death. In the rising action of the story, Mark gets a package containing all of the items that were in the carn the night of the accident. While opening this package his neighbor also Grace’s best friend (hannah) came over and saw mark with the box. While going through the things they found one of many of Grace’s top five list. This one in particular was a top five things to do before the end of the year. Later Mark and Hannah decide to complete this list by the end of the year in honor of Grace. In addition, they ask Sebastian (Mark’d best friend) if he’d like to join in. In a pivotal moment, Mark faces the greatest challenge when he got into a huge fight with Hannah and Sebastian about Grace. Grace starts crying so Sebastian moves to comfort her. Mark got mad and gets into a fist fight with Sebastian. The falling action is when Mark does the senior performance and confronts his mom that left him and Grace years ago. In the resolution, Mark and Hannah the last thing on the list.

There Will Come A Time is a wonderful novel diving into how ones death affects everybody differently. This novel also showed great character development. On top of struggling with the death of a loved one he is also struggling with his feelings toward a certain someone. I would recommend this book to everyone because of its amazing storyline.

Out of all of the characters in this book Sebastian is my favorite. Sebastian is over all cool, laid back, and a musical genius. My favorite character trait of his is him being un-attentive. An example of this character trait ” He grabs the napkin with our schedule and wipes it off.” I love this character trait because it gives the story funny moments when everyone is being serious.

During this novel I came across a line that really stood out. “‘It’s about time” followed by “Don’t blow it”‘. I love this line because it shows how Mark and Hannah’s relationship finally “leveled up”


A magician made me invisible for twenty-four hours. Oh the possibilities! No one seeing me for twenty-four hours. I couldn’t wait to start planning out my day! The one thing that was on top of my list to do, was to watch Aladdin without my parents telling me “again!?”. I darted to my room to grab my remote. Jumping on my bed while turning on the tv, made me laugh so much. Mid way through the movie I paused to grab go grab popcorn. I grabbed the bag of un-popped popcorn. My younger brother walked into the room seeing a floating un-popped, he screamed and ran to his room. I smirked while walking to the kitchen, putting the bag into the microwave. I hear Nolan creep out trembling from the popping. “HELLO!?” he yells “hello Nolan” I say in a hushed tone. Once again he screamed while running. This time I burst out with laughter.

Arizona’s Zoo

It was early in the morning in Arizona. The zoo keeper was expecting a new animal to be delivered this morning. He waited impatiently 5:31, 5:32, 5:33. The truck wouldn’t be arriving until 6:00 am. It felt like years, he could hardly wait. So he went to the exhibit for the animal to see if everything is ready to go. His walkie-talkie told him that the truck was upon arrival, he ran to the door with a big grin on his face. He waited a little while longer outside. The zoo keeper got jumpy when he saw the truck coming towards the zoo. His smile slowly because confusion, as to why their were potatoes on the truck. He shrugged it off, the back of the truck opened. The driver said 533 potatoes? “NO!?” he cried “I’m supposed to get the new mystery animal!”


Life on an abandoned island is fantastic but lonely. One night I was on a cruise to Hawaii, I got up in the middle of night seeking fresh air. Suddenly the boat hit a giant rock sending me flying off the ship. Next thing I knew I woke up on this bright and colorful island that was brimming with life. I stared blankly, suddenly I realized “Where’s the BOAT!!” I looks right and left then right again quickly. I quickly realized that I will have to wait until someone finds me, so I devise a plan. First thing I need to get is fresh water. I get up off the sand and walk into the tall forest. I shiver and look around as if someone if following me. I hear a crunch coming from the right, I froze while shaking in my boots. “Hello?” A voice from behind says, I turn my eyes widened “hi” I answer back. He started walking ahead of me turning back at me saying to follow him. So I followed and what seemed like hours we arrived at a river. I ran towards it diving in head first. The next couple of weeks the boy and I got along quite well and eventually he showed me where he slept. So we developed a routine, I would cook, clean gather water and wood. He would hunt, cook, collect berries, and make the beds.

Rad Reading- January

Allegedly is a 387 page, young adult fiction written by Tiffany d. Jackson which takes place at a group home in Brooklyn. In the beginning, Mary is a 16 year old girl who is re-opening her murder case claiming she didn’t do it. As the conflict develops, Mary faces the challenge of losing her baby because of the baby she allegedly killed 9 years ago. In the rising action of the story Mary and her secret boyfriend Ted find out she’s pregnant. then, later comes to realize she cannot keep the baby after its birth. Later, a new girl shows up at the group home, ends up befriending Mary and introduces her to a lawyer that could help her out. In a pivotal moment, Mary faces the greatest challenge when she is pushed down the stair by the new girl, who she’d grown to trust up until now. Mary ended up in the hospital and decides to give up on the case and her baby. The falling action is of how Mary learned that her and the baby may not be torn apart after all. In the resolution, Mary is being driven to a home for young pregnant women. During that ride she ask Mr. Winters ( A staff member at her previous group home ) what his first name is. She then tells him the name of her baby.

Allegedly is an excellent story, it’s very mellow but exciting. A big reason I love this book is the main character Mary. In the story, Mary has always been very smart. An example of this is when she first took the practice SATs. She had gotten 1500/1600 without a calculator and studying. Mary’s whole childhood she was abused by her stepdad. I would only recommend this book to certain people because of sensitive topics.

My favorite character in Allegedly is the lawyer, Ms. Cora. She helped Mary out in so many ways and not just help with her case, Ms. Cora is very kind as shown in this quote ” I pack the two dresses Ms. Cora gave me.” This shows her kindness because Mary was only her client, but she gave Mary clothing.

One of my favorite parts of this story is the last conversation between Mr. Winters and Mary.

“You thought about any names yet”


He nods with a small smile.

” Benson. Good, solid name for a man.”

” What’s your first name?” I ask

“Kain. With a K.”

“Benson Kain Addison. That’ll work. For now.”

This was probably one of the few sweet moments in the book. This part stood out to me because of how it shows Mary finally warming up and trusting other people more.

Dumbledore’s Wisdom

“We must face the choice between what is right and what is easy” – Albus Dumbledore

For me, this quote means to not always take the easy path/choice. If We always choose the easy choice that is what we’ll keep expecting and then when there is no easy way out , you’ll fail. Last semester I kept on trying to find an easy way out of everything I did. An example is in math I didn’t do any of my homework because it count towards my grade, so I thought I didn’t need to. But whenever I did any of the test I always failed. So finding an easy way out never works.

My Hero

Somebody I greatly admire is my mom. She is my hero because of how hardworking and kind she is. My mom always put me and my siblings need before hers. She works hard every day to make sure that we are safe, happy, and heathy. My mom always makes me a sandwich before I go to school to make sure I eat. She comforts my siblings when ever we need it and is always willing to talk to us about how we’re feeling. She always help me with my core homework whenever I ask. I wish I could thank her everyday for every small and big thing she does for us.